Black Box Social Media Releases ‘Tweeting Tips for Business and Marketing’ Report

Black Box Social Media LLC, the online marketing company that utilizes the latest in web 2.0 strategies to help small businesses get found online, has released it’s latest social media report called ‘Tweeting Tips for Business and Marketing’. This report, which provided guidelines on how businesses should Tweet and what to Tweet about, is available at the Black Box Social Media Official Blog.

“What should companies Tweet about?” asks Black Box Social Media Co-Founder Nick Bridges. “You can craft follow-worthy tweets easier by considering topics that fall in 3 categories: sales and marketing, company, and general info.”

In addition, the report also gives some useful advice on how to attract followers for your business or professional Twitter account.

“There is no point investing your time and effort on Twitter if you are not able to build and increase the number of your followers,” says Black Box Social Media CEO Tom Bukacek, who’s soon to be released book with Dan Kennedy called “Marketing Miracles” is due for release in September 2012. “It is useless to post tweets without readers. You need to attract more followers and our Twitter Report provides these tips.”

While the Tweets put out may seem interesting, the only way to really understand what users find valuable is to track performance and analyze data.

“Our business report on Twitter will provide you with some useful tools that will assist you in tracking and analyzing data,” says Co Founder Curt Maly. “Contrary to marketing myths out there, social media marketing is quantifiable and is trackable. This report will assist you with learning how to produce metrics for your Twitter marketing campaign.”

To view this report, please visit

Black Box Social Media Releases 'Tweeting Tips for Business and Marketing' Report 1

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