Ratecreditcardprocessing.com has released their ranking list using real consumer feedback scores of the best payment processing companies of 2012. Each of the credit card processors has been subjected to rigorous analysis focusing on the top factors critical to accepting credit card payments successfully.
The 10 top companies actual customers chose for the list are considered as offering industry leading services and their selection is a testament to the quality of their offers.
The 10 Top credit card processors in contention and compared Ratecreditcardprocessing.com include:
1) iTransact
2) Total Merchant Solutions
3) MerchantPlus
4) Merchant Warehouse
5) Flagship Merchant Services
Additionally, the site provides customers a means of providing a feedback survey of experiences and the results determine the top companies each month based on satisfaction and rates. “Real consumers are the best deciders of which company is best,” said Greg Wong, site representative.
Real users are encouraged to share their evaluation of their current merchant service provider on matters such as:
- Customer Service
- Fee Competitiveness
- Ease of Use
- Reliable Security
- Comprehensive Support
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