Mobile VoIP Subscriptions Grow To 29 Million At The End Of 2011

Each year it appears that costs continue to rise, whether it be fuel at the pumps or gas and electricity. Therefore consumers here in the UK and across the globe are all looking for new and innovative ways of saving money. The rise of smartphones in fully developed and emerging markets has resulted in new technologies being widely available to the masses, increasing the breadth of offerings available to consumers.

A study by NPD In-Stat has concluded that the number of active mobile Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) subscribers has risen from 9 million users in 2010 to 29 million, at the end of 2011, with the majority of users residing in western Europe. The most significant driving factor is believed to be the increased smartphone penetration across many markets.

A spokesperson from cheap calls provider JustCall stated:

“It’s great to see the availability of VoIP increasing for mobile users, across the world. For many years consumers have faced large bills when making long distance calls.”

“We at JustCall are devoted to offering the cheapest international calls from anywhere in the UK, from a land line or mobile phone. With a combination of access numbers and VoIP consumers will no longer face extravagant bills.”

The study predicts around 410 million subscribers to the service by 2015. Combined with revenues associated with mobile VoIP usage increasing to over $4 billion in 2015, will surely encourage network providers and many companies to join the market.

So remember, whenever calling loved ones abroad that there are a number of alternatives such as calling cards, VoIP services, including JustCall who are proud to offer cheap international calling rates through access numbers, to over 500 countries from a UK landline, and over 250 countries from a mobile phone. Starting from as little as 1p from a UK landline and 1p from a mobile phone.

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