Online Reputation Firm Gives Free Tip to Boost Online Reputation by Adding YouTube Videos

Using video to recover and repair a damaged online reputation is very effective but is can be costly.

Recover Reputation, a leading online reputation management firm, recently published a free way to get all the benefits of adding video but at no cost. Steven W. Giovinco recently outlined step-by-step tips, which he shares for free.

“If your online reputation has been damaged, there are several options to repair it,” Giovinco says. “The first is to attempt to remove the post, review, or article but this is usually hard or impossible. The best approach is to add good information about you or your company and this is where video comes in.”

Giovinco notes that since YouTube is owned by Google, video shows up quickly in search results, and is often ranked higher than regular items. “Adding content, including video, is a great way to push down negative items that show up in search results.”

Creating a video can be hard to do, Steven Giovinco says, but here is an easy way to boost your online reputation at no cost: create a PowerPoint presentation, convert it to video, and upload it to YouTube. “The impact can be astounding,” says Giovinco.

In the recently published document by Recover Reputation, the first step is to create a PowerPoint presentation. It is recommended to create one that includes major discussion points and select simple page transitions. Adding a spoken narration is helpful too and easy to add, depending on the PowerPoint version. If using PowerPoint 2010, simply export the video and upload it to YouTube.

If an older version is being used, use a free screen shot program. Giovinco recommends using free CamStudio because of its simplicity and ease of use. “Basically, you just take a screen shot of your presentation, record it, and you are ready to upload.”

Steven has noticed significant shifts in online reputations as a result of using this free technique.

Recover Reputation helps professionals and companies protect and promote their online reputation. We protect your online name, control your business identity and provide the best—and true–image of your company online. Recent successes include one day to move negative post from first page to second; 50 of 52 negative news posts where pushed to 3rd search page in 45 days. You always work with owner and founder Steve Giovinco, who offers a customized and effective approach to online reputation management, online reputation repair and online brand building. Call Steve at 347-421-7598 for a free evaluation and visit for additional information.

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