Using Pinterest to plan and promote events

Pinterest is an interesting and useful way to plan, organize and promote events of all kinds. Whether you are running a business meeting or planning a wedding, Pinterest can help. Each aspect of your event can have its own board. For instance, you could have a board for venue selections, with pictures of all your possible locations. You could have a board with images of all the people who you plan to invite. If the event includes speakers, then a board with images of them and their websites would be useful. You can also create a group board, so that other people can contribute pins – for instance you can add the venues to a group board and they could add images of all the menus.

Use Pinterest for Events

If you are in the planning stage, a board with all the available menus at the different possible venues would help you easily compare the things on offer, enabling you to make a choice. Similarly, a board with all the pictures of the venues themselves and all their room shots would also help you make side-by-side comparisons.

You can also pin items which are simply ideas, so that you get reaction to what you are planning, using Pinterest as a “crowd-sourcing” tool.

When it comes to promoting the event, people would be able to see which speakers are on offer and to look at their products, if appropriate. This would help you gain interest from people who are attracted by the pictures of what your speakers will be talking about. Similarly, you may find people interested in coming simply because they like the look of the venue.

And if you follow your venues and speakers, they’ll be alerted to you and may well re-pin your items so that you gain additional promotion for your event.

After the event, make sure you pin as many pictures as possible of what took place. That way, all the participants can share the images – plus you’ll be creating demand for future events too.

Using Pinterest to plan and promote events 1

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