Indexing, Keywords, Linking: Your Tools for Effective SEO

Many companies, both small and large, are trying out new and easy ways to expand their businesses across the globe and get noticed. But many companies fail to utilize the search engine optimization technique provided by the internet, effectively. Not having enough bandwidth, time or money, could be few reasons for the companies to fail in tapping the potentials of SEO. If you are finding yourself in a similar situation, here are few simple tricks which could be incorporated to improve your visibility in the market.

Checking your site’s indexing status should be the primary step. Using Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) to check on the number of pages indexed in your site will show you the actual data. Create an account on Google Webmaster Tools if you haven’t yet, to check for the index status. Once you log in to GWT, click on the ‘Health’ option on the left hand side of the page and this will open out few more options. ‘Index Status’ is one among them and clicking on it will display data on the right side of the page.

Selecting the ‘Advanced’ button here, will provide a detail summary of the ‘total indexed’ pages along with another section that lists pages that were ‘not selected’. Surprisingly, your ‘not selected’ number could be higher than you expected. This could mean any of the below:

  • Plenty of duplicate or close-to duplicates pages
  • Pages that have not been indexed
  • Pages with URL linking to other pages
  • Pages with URL contents very similar to other pages.

Certain software packages create a lot of category type pages, which is why they could not appear as ‘indexed’. Your immediate step should be in tackling the indexing problem.

Keywords Usage
What the user is looking for, may lie somewhere within your website. But there is a huge gap in it being readily available for the user and this could distance you from your prospective client. An intelligent way to tackle this issue would be in giving importance to framing keywords.

If your website has ample information on a certain product, which has very high chances of being searched for, then you should create a separate page to focus on that product. The title of the page should describe all the unique aspects of your product within your site. You should also ensure there are no duplicate entries of your title within the same page. You can use the keyword research tool inside Bing Webmasters Tool that provides the correct number of keyword searches for a particular word.

Tackling the indexing issues and getting the right keywords is just half the battle won. Links are and will always remain the easiest way to get your site easily identified. Try and get your pages linked. An article on that newly launched product of yours will not obtain clicks if hidden in a news item. Get it linked for people to notice.

The above steps will definitely not project you in the spotlight instantly, but will surely provide you the kick to stepping into the SEO zone.

About the author
ZK is an expert associated with, an online resource for insight on internet marketing and blogging.

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