Free content curation tools

Free content curation tools are widely available, but which ones do the experts in curating content think are the best? Here’s a selection of blog posts which investigate the free content curation tools that are the most popular.

The first blog post looks at 7 Content Curation Tools

If you are involved in social media, chances are that you have heard of content curation. The phrase has amassed a huge amount of publicity, as well as strong advocates and enemies. The latter often contend that curation violates copyright laws and provides curators with an unethical way to draw attention to their own content….More at 7 Content Curation Tools That You Should Start Using Today

The next blog worth looking at considers free tools amongst the whole notion of content curation

So you are thinking about adding curated content to your blog post and you are going to want to do it in the quickest most efficient way possible, firstly you want it to be great content and secondly you don’t want to miss the freshest stuff. And some are free to use online curation tools….More at Using Free Tools For Curating Content – Content Curation Desktop

And here is a massive list of content curation tools together with three tools that are completly free

You may have already seen our mega-popular list of 30+ Content Curation Tools that has been making the rounds on Twitter lately (and if not, we strongly recommend checking it out). Today we’d like to dive a little deeper and highlight three simple but powerful tools we use on a regular basis that make content curation super easy….More at 3 Free Tools That Make Content Curation Super Easy

So, there is plenty of opportunity for using free content curation tools. However, if you wish to consider a paid version, why not use PageOne Curator, which is the software with which this blog post was assembled (in just a couple of minutes).

Free content curation tools 1

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