Small Business Facebook Marketing Simplified with New eBook

Inspired by today’s down economy, WebMaxed founder and CEO Kevin Haynes has written a free eBook designed to help small business entrepreneurs succeed and grow their businesses by harnessing the power of social media. Haynes’ book teaches small and local business owners how to capitalize on the popularity of Facebook, the world’s most popular social media site, for marketing purposes.

The new eBook “Facebook Marketing for Your Small Business… Simplified!” fulfills WebMaxed’s mission statement of providing “Internet Marketing for Your Small Business… Simplified!” The free, 61-page downloadable PDF teaches readers exactly how to use Facebook as an effective marketing tool for their small local businesses. The easy-to-read eBook covers all the basics – how to create a smart Facebook marketing strategy, set up a Facebook Page, master essential site features and build a loyal community around one’s brand via the site. Exercises and step-by-step guides are included to encourage readers to take a hands-on approach to their own online marketing.

“Figuring out how to use Facebook for business can seem intimidating. I wrote this eBook to teach small business entrepreneurs how to not only easily put their business on Facebook, but also to maximize their presence on Facebook and use it as a powerful marketing tool to actually grow their business,” said author Kevin Haynes.

More than 20 million people become fans of Facebook Pages every day – the power of Facebook as a cheap, easy way to market one’s small business cannot be underestimated. According to Haynes, “Small local businesses entrepreneurs are using social media sites, such as Facebook, now more than ever – especially in this down economy, they’re low-cost, efficient ways to connect with customers and find new customers online.” Haynes’ new eBook breaks the creation of a successful Facebook marketing campaign into six user-friendly steps – readers are also encouraged to contact Haynes or any of WebMaxed’s other marketing experts if they have any questions about the book or its contents.

For more information on WebMaxed, visit their website at The eBook “Facebook Marketing for Your Small Business… Simplified!” can be downloaded for free on the site; once there, interested entrepreneurs can also sign up for WebMaxed’s free online newsletter, which delivers essential small business Internet marketing news, tips, and trends to users on a regular basis.

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