The mobile VOIP market set to grow by almost 18% says new report

Visiongain’s latest management report “Mobile VoIP: Opportunities and Challenges Report 2011” offers in-depth analysis of all the latest developments in the nascent VOIP market. This brand new report provides forecasts of growth, market sizing and analysis for the key regional markets from 2011-2016. The report gives an insight into the strategies of various players that are shaping up the mobile VoIP ecosystem. Visiongain believes that understanding the competitive landscape and identifying voids is important for any player who wants to maximise their gains in the emerging mobile VoIP market.

Visiongain research has shown that by the end of 2011, there will be around 70 million mobile VoIP users. As increasing number of customers gain access to mobile VoIP services, the market will grow further. This report provides industry viewpoints, case studies and diverse scenario analysis for anyone interested in gaining an in-depth view of the market.

Increasing numbers of mobile operators are collaborating with VoIP service providers to offer mobile VoIP service to their customers. In February 2011, AT&T partnered with Skype to offer mobile VoIP services over its 3G network. Following the acquisition of Skype by Microsoft and entry of Google into the mobile VoIP arena, the market has witnessed major breakthroughs in terms of market consolidation and technology development.

The mobile VoIP market has witnessed growing consumer demand for low cost communication services and a shift in consumer spending from fixed to wireless services. By analysing the latest developments, we provide operators insights into the key mobile VoIP business models, revenue channels and strategies to monetise.

Mobile VoIP market is set to grow and which players will benefit from it will depend on how proactive they are in formulating emergent strategies to seize the mobile VoIP opportunities.

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