You need to update your website every day

Plan to add content every dayPrince William saved a judge’s life last week in one of three mountain rescues he was involved in. Of course, you already knew he was back at work after his wedding. And you will have read that he and his new wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, are soon to set off to California. You probably also saw the endless coverage after the wedding – the debates over hats, the brilliance of the Middleton family and the news that David Beckham was wearing his OBE on the wrong side…! Whoops…! In fact, each day since the Royal Wedding there has been a drip feed of constant news and information about Wills and Kate.

Naturally enough, you may well be fed up with it all. You may turn the newspaper pages over, or go out and make a cup of tea when more Royal coverage appears on the TV. But think about it from another perspective, for a moment. Consider it from the view of the Royal Family itself. If there was not endless, daily coverage of them, they would more easily be forgotten. Not so much cash for the Civil List, might be the result..! Or perhaps less economic input from other nations besotted by the Royals. The Royal Family needs to be “in the news” constantly if the institution is to carry on pretty much untouched. You might prefer it if they just shut the doors of the Palace and kept themselves to themselves, but at least you are aware of them and you haven’t forgotten them. Daily coverage is why you are at the very least, aware.

Which begs the question, are you making yourself aware to your customers and potential clients every day? If you are only occasionally in their minds, you are less likely to be able to attract them to buy from you – whatever you are selling. The same consideration is true online. If you only  add to your website every now and then, you don’t get much attention. This is confirmed by new research on activity on Facebook.

What this study revealed was that almost all of the interest in material added to Facebook is gone within 22 hours of it being published. The study was looking at business “fan” pages – not the chit-chat between friends. The research found that 50% of all the “likes” for any item added to a business page all came within the first 80 minutes after publication. In other words, it is more evidence that on Facebook – as elsewhere on the web – people are interested in the new, the fresh, the here-and-now. If your website 0r blog is not new and fresh today, the data on Facebook suggests it will be of no interest tomorrow.

Other studies, such as one published by Hubspot, show that the frequency with which you update your website are directly related to the amount of business you conduct. The more frequently you add new content, the more leads you generate and the more business you do (see report below).

[slideshare id=4126589&doc=stateofinboundmarketing-12741143011644-phpapp02&type=d]

Gone are the days when weekly updates of websites were possible. Nowadays with decreasing attention spans your business awareness is going to be slim, unless you are constantly in the “online face” of your customers and clients. You really need to be much more like Prince William than you ever imagined…!

You need to update your website every day 1

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