One year of search engine news: everything you need to know

This year, we published many articles that help you to get better results for your website. In this issue, you have a quick overview of the 2011 articles, sorted by category: Google ranking algorithm insights, tips and tricks, link building, Google’s +1 button and Google algorithm updates.

One year of search engine news: everything you need to know 1

Google ranking algorithm insights:

From time to time, insider information about Google’s ranking algorithm leaks. As a subscriber of our newsletter, you will always be up-to-date with the latest insider knowledge:

Tips and tricks:

Search engine optimization is the most effective way to promote your business. We regularly publish tips and tricks that help you to get more out of your website:

Link building:

Link building is still the most important search engine optimization activity and it seems that high quality backlinks will remain the most important ranking factor for the foreseeable future:

Google’s +1 button:

Google introduced the +1 button for web pages this year. The new button is Google’s answer to Facebook’s ‘Like’ button and it influences the position of your website in Google’s results:

Google ranking algorithm changes:

Whenever Google has a new ranking algorithm, our newsletter will inform you. You will also get tips and tricks on how to benefit from Google’s algorithm updates:

This is the 504th issue of our weekly newsletter. That means that it has been available for 9 years and 243 days. We’ll continue to provide you with detailed information about how to get more customers through search engines in the years to come.

Article by Axandra SEO software

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