How to get 50% more customers with a simple change

Would you say “no thanks” if someone offered you an easy way to get 50% more visitors to your website? Probably not. However, that’s exactly what most webmasters are doing. There’s a simple thing that you can do to drive many more visitors to your site.

The Internet is not just Google

Last week, research company Experian Hitwise published the search engine market shares for March 2011. Google accounted for 64.42 percent of all U.S. searches, Bing-powered search comprised 30.01 percent of searches for the month.

Most webmasters focus on Google and ignore all other search engines when it comes to search engine optimization. Ignoring Bing is a mistake. A market share of 30% is huge and there are several reasons why you should include Bing in your SEO activities.

How to get 50% more customers with a simple change 1

Three reasons why it makes sense to optimize your website for Bing

1. There’s less competition on Bing

Most webmasters concentrate on Google. It is easier to get high rankings on Bing because fewer people compete aggressively for the same keywords.

2. Millions of searchers will find your site

As mentioned above, Bing currently has a market share of 30%. That’s just half of the market share that Google has but that’s still millions of people who might be interested in your website.

If you have just focused on Google then you can increase the number of website visitors by 50% just by adding Bing to your search engine optimization activities.

3. Bing searches deliver more click-throughs

According to the Hitwise data, Bing powered search engines achieved the highest success rate in March 2011. More than 80 percent of searches executed resulted in a visit to a website.

Google achieved a success rate of 66 percent. It might be that the search results snippets in Bing are more attractive or the results in Bing are simply more relevant.

How to optimize your website for Bing

Google and Bing return different websites for the same search query. That means that they use different ranking algorithms and that it is difficult to optimize the same page for both Google and Bing.

If you want to get the best possible results, optimize some pages of your website for Google and other pages of your website for Bing. The more pages of your website you optimize, the better.

Use IBP’s Top 10 Optimizer to get detailed instructions on how to optimize your web pages for Bing. IBP works with,,, and many other local Bing variations. Of course, IBP also helps you to optimize your web pages for and many local Google variations.

“Copyright – Web site promotion software
How to get 50% more customers with a simple change 2

1 thought on “How to get 50% more customers with a simple change”

  1. We have a fairly successful website but of course would like to improve the business, we struggling to get people to interact with us to any great extent, so I'm looking forward to hopefully changing this.

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