Social Media Guys Tour – Early Bird to End

The Social Media GuysThe Social Media Guys LIVE Tour comes to Reading, Berkshire, on 9th November and the “Early Bird” registration rate of £27 ends today (19th October 2010). The Social Media Guys are Graham Jones, Nigel Morgan and Ant Hodges – three people who have earned money directly from social media. In these three-hour workshops the “guys” explain how you too can increase your business bottom line as a result of social media.

Graham Jones said: “We kicked off the tour last month with a successful event in Swindon. Now we arrive in Reading but people only have a few hours left in order to get the bargain early bird registration fee.”

The price goes upto £47 tomorrow. Even so, that represents great value for money. Not only do you get the three-hour workshop, delegates also receive a free one-hour webinar consultation to aid and help guide their specific social media activity in the right direction.There is also a free first visit to Reading’s Social Media Mastermind group run by The Social Media Lounge. And the Jazz Café Reading is adding two free tickets to a Comedy Night of your choice. The total value of the add-on gifts is more than £150.

To make sure you get these gifts and a place at the event sign up now at: Social Media Guys TOUR DATE READING.

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