Meet The Social Media Guys

The Social Media GuysBusiness owners in Berkshire are set to discover just how social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, can boost their company’s profits. And this advice will be dispensed free of charge by three experts in various aspects of social media.

The Social Media Guys are Internet Psychologist Graham Jones, social media expert Ant Hodges and PR guru, Nigel Morgan. All three of them are making themselves available on 8th June from 11am to 1pm at The Bear Hotel, Hungerford for any business leader to call in and have a chat.

Graham Jones said: “The idea is that the three of us will be there and any business owner who has questions about social media can drop in, have a coffee and get us to give them answers and point them in the direction of effective use of social media for their company. It is a free advice clinic on social media.”

The Social Media Guys will be in the bar of the hotel for two hours. Anyone who wants to attend simply has to turn up and chat.

Graham Jones added: “This is not a networking meeting, it’s not a seminar, nor is it a sales pitch. All that will happen is three guys who happen to use social media successfully in their own businesses will be there to have a chat and answer questions. Simple and free.”

For more information and to register for the event go to

You can also keep an eye on our Facebook Page for discussions and further information.

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