Graham Jones elected President of the Professional Speaking Association

Graham Jones was elected President of the Professional Speaking Association at its Annual General Meeting on 1st October 2010. Members voted unanimously for Graham to become their President for 2010-2011.

Graham said: “I am honoured to be the next President of the PSA. It is a job I am looking forward to and is something I know I will enjoy. Of course, I am apprehensive about the extra work..!”

He takes over from Peter Roper who has spearheaded several changes to the organisation, including a change of name and alterations to its membership strategy.

Graham said: “Peter Roper has done a superb job in preparing the PSA for the future and I take over an organisation that is well placed to help speakers develop their business. I’d like to thank him publicly for all the work he has done and for handing over the PSA Presidency at a time when the Association has been prepared well for the future.”

He added: “Naturally I have plans for the PSA myself and I intend to help the Association grow this year and get closer to its members by connecting more to each other so we can help each other develop.”

The Professional Speaking Association is the professional body for anyone engaged in paid public speaking in the UK. Members include many of the world’s leading professional speakers.

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