Vocus Webinar with @BrianSolis: The Influencer Poll

“Influence is the subject of some of important conversations lately,” wrote Brian Solis in a post titled, What Makes an Influencer (http://www.briansolis.com/2010/08/what-makes-an-influencer/)? “Each time we surface questions, answers and new thinking that starts to reshape the landscape for how businesses view, define, and embrace influence.”

This is an important question for anyone working in social media circles – and Vocus has partnered with Brain, who is also the author of Engage! (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0470571098?ie=UTF8&tag=pr200f-20&link_code=as3&camp=211189&creative=373489&creativeASIN=0470571098), “to take the conversation to you.” Vocus (NASDAQ: VOCS) is hosting a free Webinar titled, “The Influencer Poll (http://tinyurl.com/2a92jhj).”

The Webinar, designed for PR, marketing and social media professionals, will also provide survey results on:

  • Is there a difference between influence and popularity?
  • What factors make a person or brand influential?
  • What metrics should you be using to measure social media?
  • Are people willing to pay for an influencer to drive results?
  • What is the single most important action a person or brand can take to increase their influence?

The free, one-hour webinar will be held on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. ET. To register for the webinar, or for more information, please click on the following link: http://tinyurl.com/2a92jhj (http://tinyurl.com/2a92jhj)

About Vocus

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