An Innovation in Social Shopping

Camelot Venture Group announced today the launch of a new service to consumers called WANT. With WANT, consumers have a brand new way to share lists of products they desire with friends and families via email or by pushing their WANTs out to Facebook. The unique aspect is that WANTers can receive funds directly towards specific items from contributors using PayPal or any major credit card.

“This is a major revolution in Social Shopping,” said David Katzman, Managing Partner of the Camelot Venture Group. “Now consumers can share exactly what they WANT with their social network and that same group of friends, family, even co-workers can work together to get them exactly what they WANT. I can’t think of a better way for Dad to make sure everyone knows what he wants for Father’s Day or children to share with Grandparents what’s on their list this holiday season.”

The WANT button was first implemented by but shoppers aren’t limited to only sites that have the WANT button. Consumers can drag the browser button at ( ) that allows them to add any item from the web to a WANT list simply by clicking on the button and then clicking on the picture of the product they are interested in.

The WANT button comes from the same developers who brought ShareAbill to market, an alternative payment method that allows buyers to split the cost of any item at the time of purchase.

To learn more about WANT, visit ( or call 877-852-0921

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