Innovative Internet Competition Will Award US $250,000

This 2-month long Internet marketing competition is designed to provide participants with an unbiased and transparent venue in which to test their marketing tactics, systems and strategies.

Transparent Internet Competition
Each contestant is required to implement their strategy and generate profits. During the two month competition, they will provide an ongoing update of how his or her marketing strategies have been implemented and why. Competitors also will provide the IMWC access to their online marketing accounts in order to verify the profit made for each strategy. The Internet Marketing World Cup (IMWC) is taking such actions to safeguard the accuracy of the competition results. The winning systems must be proven revenue generators, honest and possible to be replicated by literally anyone time and again.

“The beauty of this Internet marketing competition is that in the end we will have a proven guaranteed system that is able to produce real results,” share the CEO of the IMWC, Daniel Katz. “There are so many self-proclaimed ‘gurus’ out there, this contest will be a breathe of fresh air for the Internet marketing industry by creating a greater sense of trust.”

Cash Prizes and More
According to Mr. Katz, this Internet marketing competition is not reserved for only affiliate marketing experts who are pulling in heavy six and seven figure paychecks. He emphatically pronounces that even affiliate marketers making as little as $100 per month, are qualified to compete. The main question that potential applicants must ask themselves is if they are willing to share their Internet marketing system for a share of the US $250,000 cash prize, lifetime revenue share on their winning program and a lifetime membership to the R.E.A. Program, which is designed to boost online business.

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