Elance Proclaims September 24 ‘International Freelancers Day’

TheWealthyFreelancer.com today announced that Elance, the leading platform for flexible employment, has officially declared September 24 International Freelancers Day. This announcement comes on the heels of the International Freelancers Day conference (www.InternationalFreelancersDay.com (http://www.internationalfreelancersday.com/)), the biggest-ever free educational online event for solo professionals, to be held on September 24 and 25.

“Freelance professionals are changing the face of today’s workforce,” said Ellen Pack, vice president of Marketing at Elance. “A day dedicated to freelancers around the world is an important step in recognizing their growing importance in today’s evolving employment landscape.”

“We are clearly in the early stages of freelance revolution,” said Ed Gandia co-founder of the International Freelancers Day conference. “Organizations want more flexible ways to source talent, and freelancers are heeding the call. This declaration by Elance will help shine a spotlight on this rapidly growing trend.”

According to estimates by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 31 percent of the U.S. workforce was self-employed, freelance or contingent in 2005. Many economists predict that this number has only increased since the economic downturn began. Facing difficult economic conditions, a growing number of organizations are hiring freelancers and independent contractors rather than full-time workers to complete key projects.

Yet according to the Freelance Talent Report (http://www.elance.com/p/freelance-talent-report.html) published by Elance earlier this month, 70% of freelancers were happier working as independent professionals than as employees. 79% of freelancers rate having control over their own schedule as the best thing about freelancing. Respondents stated that what they like best about freelancing is control over their own schedule (79%), being their own boss and following their own passion (74%) and no commute (73%).

About Elance

Elance, the world’s leading platform for flexible employment, helps businesses hire and manage online instead of onsite.

For businesses looking to staff-up a team on an hourly or project basis, Elance offers instant access to qualified professionals who work online. Elance provides the tools to hire, view work as it progresses, and pay for results. Elance is faster and more cost-effective than job boards, staffing firms and traditional outsourcing.

For skilled professionals who want to work online, Elance offers access to qualified clients, a virtual workplace and guaranteed pay for great work. Elancers have already delivered on projects worth more than $300 million.

The company is privately held and headquartered in Mountain View, California. For more information, visit Elance at http://www.elance.com (http://www.elance.com/).

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