eDigitalDashboard – your key business results in one central location

To help operational, marketing and research professionals effectively monitor immediate business performance, leading market research specialist eDigitalResearch have announced the development of eDigitalDashboard – an interactive, personalised and condensed summary report of Key Performance Indicator’s (KPI’s) and top line statistics, providing an instant visual ‘snapshot’ of real time business results.

As online activity continues to expand and develop, professionals are becoming increasingly overwhelmed with a wealth of research, sales and marketing data on customer mood and brand perception. With the sophisticated and innovative online eDigitalDashboard system, users can easily drill down key research results, immediately identify trends and issues across multiple sources, facilitating swift and targeted decision making in an attempt to increase overall customer satisfaction and revenue.

Available now on HUB, eDigitalDashboard features next generation web capabilities allowing users to present and organise information into an easy to understand format. Using the very latest in web technology, the user friendly design interface grants professionals complete and bespoke design control, whilst the online access automatically generates fresh statistics, allowing for immediate analysis of real time results as they are being collected.

Developed with direct feedback from insight professionals, and designed to allow board executives gain a quick and easy view of up-to- the-minute business statistics and touch point performance, eDigitalDashboard also provides access to drill down into the supporting and underlying data reports for more in-depth analysis of results and granular details.

Derek Eccleston, Research Director at eDigitalResearch comments, ‘As we begin to witness a fundamental shift in consumer communication with the introduction of social media and mCommerce, consumers are providing brands with more instantaneous reactions and feedback. It is therefore vital that professionals have immediate access to important real time research results in order to track customer satisfaction and brand perception, and eDigitalDashboard allows them to do just this.’

Derek continues, ‘As brands and large organisations move further towards the multichannel mix, the fact that users are able to pull in data from various sources and surveys to a key 1 page report adds real value for clients who operate within several channels or for large organisations with an assortment of brands who are now able to create bespoke dashboards to compare performance across various channels and outlets quickly and easily.’

For more information contact Lisa Bonczyk – lisa(dot)b(at)edigitalresearch(dot)com, 01489 772920.

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