Melcrum webinar tells how to maximise the business impact of video

The power of video in offering opportunities for global staff to communicate face-to-face is one of the key areas to be explored in the Melcrum Webinar ‘Maximising the Business Impact of the Video Channel’. The webinar – latest in a series from internal communications experts Melcrum – will be broadcast on Wednesday 20th October at 1600 Hrs (UK), 1700 (Continental Europe), 1100 (US Eastern Standard) 0800 (US Pacific Standard).

The webinar will be based on a major study by Melcrum of the future for video in business which examines in detail how organisations are using corporate video and user-generated content to connect with employees around strategy, values, storytelling and knowledge sharing. The emphasis will be on using video with tangible business goals and impact.

According to Group Managing Director Robin Crumby, {{‘Globally spread workforces mean face-to-face engagement with leaders and key communicators isn’t always possible}}, but video presents a virtual opportunity to share vital messages and engage in a more personal way than written word or conference calls ever can.’

‘A key aspect of video is the use of user-generated content – companies have shared with us the increased power of hearing key messages from people who ‘are just like me’ versus corporate talking heads. And, of course, the massive uptake of video externally through channels like YouTube make it a more popular and credible medium internally.’

Presenting the webinar will be Melcrum’s director of research, Rebecca Richmond, who was responsible for conducting the study and for presenting its findings recently to the corporate members of Melcrum’s Strategic Communication Research Forum.

Says Rebecca, ‘Our video study was based on research and interviews with practitioners, experts, production agencies and IT business partners. The output includes best practice case studies , tools, templates, guidelines, and accompanying DVD of videos, both corporate and user-generated content, to demonstrate how companies are using and inspiring other companies’ work in this area.’

‘Maximising the Business Impact of the Video Channel’ is the latest in a new series of webinars by Melcrum. Future topics will include ‘Encouraging productive conversations in organisations’, and ‘Effective measurement for Social Media’.

To enquire about ‘Maximising the Business Impact of the Video Channel’ on 20th October, call Ray Edun on +44 (0)20 8600 4670 or email

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