Econsultancy announces cross-industry JUMP initiative to explore better joined up on and offline marketing

Econsultancy today announces the launch of JUMP, a cross-industry series of research reports and a conference (13 October 2010, London, UK) for senior marketers to explore the new era of marketing created by the integration of online and offline channels, technologies and disciplines.

Econsultancy, the community for digital marketing with 87,000 members globally, has partnered with industry associations from across the marketing spectrum. JUMP partners include: Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Institute of Sales Promotion (ISP), Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA), The Marketing Society and Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA) and the Association of Online Publishers (AOP).

The JUMP conference, which stands for Joined-Up Marketing & PR, will bring together over 1,000 of the UK’s leading digital and offline marketers, brands and communications experts to debate how best to integrate the various on- and offline channels, how to manage teams, agencies and creatives, and what technologies to employ to help merge data, measurement and optimisation.

Delegates will learn from marketers who have led pioneering cross-channel marketing campaigns for brands including Argos,, Dunhumby, eHarmony and first direct, along with CMOs who will share their practical insight and experience in managing the organizational transformation required.

Econsultancy Editor-in-Chief Chris Lake says, “The shift towards multichannel is as necessary as it is irreversible. Customers are rightfully demanding great service whether they are in a store, on the phone or browsing a website. The customer experience straddles online and offline, and it is the company’s job to make sure this works seamlessly”.

Econsultancy, widely regarded as an authority in digital marketing, have taken a bold step into the multichannel world – launching a print magazine and iPad app to support the event.

Autonomy, the leader in meaning-based computing & enterprise search is the lead sponsor for JUMP with further support from diamond sponsors including ExactTarget, Foviance, Neolane and SapientNitro.

Find out more and book online at and for all of the latest JUMP news follow us on

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