4 Domain Name Tips To Consider

By Jun Yuan Lim

Two things that you will definitely need if you want to be recognized as “the expert” in the niche that you are in over time are – Domain name and web hosting.

A domain name is one where people enter into their web browsers to visit your website (it can either be.com,.net,.biz,.org, etc.) and web hosting is one where you store your website’s files in (so that your entire website can be displayed on your visitors’ computer when they visit it).

Choosing the right one can, at times, be a very difficult task – Especially when most of the time the names you wish to purchase are already taken.

What I am going to share with you in this post are 4 tips that you can consider to help you brainstorm suitable domain names for your website.

1. Relevance

Make sure that the domain name that you are going to choose is related to the topic of your website – It should be such that, by simply looking at it, your visitors will be able to tell what contents will they be able to discover in your website.

2. Domain Endings.com,.net,.org etc. – Which Is Better?

Personally, I would go for those that end with a.com, with the reason being that most people remember names ending with.com.

If.com is taken, then I will go for.net – I will not opt for other domain endings.

3. Domain Name Lengths

Generally, the shorter the domain name, the better – As people are more likely to remember a short domain name rather than a long one.

In general, I would try to choose one that is less than 35 characters in length (including the domain ending)

4. Word Separator – Hyphens or Underscore?

Most of the time, the name that you choose will consist of more than one single word.

In that case, you can either choose to separate each of these words either by using hyphens, underscores, or just simply join all the words together.

Unless it consists of more than 4 words, I generally would recommend that you join all the words together, for the reason that when people remember them, they generally do not remember the hyphens that are separating each word.

Also, if it contains too many hyphens (such as 4 hyphens or more), it will start to look unprofessional.

The above are 4 domain name tips that you should consider when it comes to brainstorming for one for your website.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jun_Yuan_Lim

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