Simple Steps to Get Your Foot in the Social Media Door

By Gail Bottomley

Social media marketing is one of the biggest buzzwords out there in Internet marketing. After all, the social media sites are some of (and often are the) most trafficked and accessed websites on the Internet. They have an unprecedented amount of users on them that spend a lot of their time either directly or indirectly browsing them. As more people join these sites the volume of sign ups just seems to increase faster and faster. There are a lot of eyeballs on social media, and wherever there are a lot of eyeballs there are opportunities to sell. It’s easy to feel intimidated by how to get started using Social Media to your advantage, but there are a couple of simple steps you can take to get your foot in the door.

The very first thing you should do is start a Facebook page. With more than half a billion people signed up on Facebook, it’s a no brainer that you want to start working the site as soon as possible. There are a couple ways you can go about this, but the best is probably to start a fan page for yourself or for your business (depending on which you are promoting). At a base level, your fan page should have a little bit of information about yourself and your work, and it should have a link that points to your main website.

It’s a good idea to regularly engage with your fans though. Posting updates once or twice a day about what you’re up to or what you’re business is up to, responding to comment, posting videos and photos are all good ideas, as they help people feel engaged and involved in what you are doing. People will also sometimes share what you are doing, and post on their wall and let all of their friends and contacts know what’s going on with you. The same is true when they become a fan of your page, exposing it to more people than your immediate fans.

Twitter is also a great social media site to join, and the nice thing is you can link it up with your Facebook page so that when you update one they both get updated, which lets you reach more people across more channels without doing any more work. A lot of businesses find a lot of success promoting product launches via Twitter, or offering their followers special deals to encourage people to follow them and to keep following them.

The last site you should join when getting started is YouTube. Videos are really popular these days, and a lot of people like seeing video of your work or your business. You can make promotional videos for your products and launches, you can interview customers or post how-too videos. You can even post a video completely unrelated to your product and simply link to your business at the end of the business.

Now, social media is great, but only if you have a product, service or business that people want in their lives. You can do all the media marketing you want, but if you aren’t helping anyone with your work, you won’t find a lot of success.

Gail Bottomley is an internationally recognized Internet marketing coach who provides a superb mentoring program! She specializes in teaching people systems that help them make a great income online. Check out her step-by-step program that teaches you how to build your Internet business from scratch at

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