10 Simple Steps to getting More Twitter Followers

By Bill Wynne

Twitter is almost a household word. Twitter and Facebook alike. The keen marketer will know that Twitter will offer him a rich source of potential traffic but how do you effectively reach those people and get them to follow you?

  1. Make sure you take the time to compose a Twitter bio that will portray the message that you want others to know about you. What do you want them to know about you that are pertinent to your online business or other wards? Your bio will inspire people to follow you or not. Take the time to make it count.
  2. Have you made any tweets before following people and hoping they will follow you back? In addition to a bio that informs people about yourself you want to post tweets that will inspire people with trust and confidence in you. Your tweets should be about your business. Provide links to your blog, website or content that you penned to let people know who you are.
  3. Build rapport. Many people make the mistake to just sell to the people that follow you on Twitter. You want to create a relationship. If you write or find articles that will benefit your followers tweet them. If you find something that you think your followers will like then tweet them. Links to YouTube videos or other helpful resources are good.
  4. Your Tweets need to grab the readers attention like a headline or subject line. Show that you can grab people’s interest. Since you have a limited number of characters you can use you should shorten your links. We will discus programs that will help with your Twitter account in another tip.
  5. “Share the Love” Re-tweet other people’s tweets and some will return the favor, which will expose you to other people who may then decide to follow you. When people do re-tweet your tweets then you should thank them. It only takes a minute to click a button and say thank you.
  6. Reply to people’s tweets, give them a compliment or thank them for sharing. These people may also decide to send you @ messages, which will also make their followers aware of you. Remember that you are part of a community and you can build valuable relationships.
  7. Follow all of Twitter’s rules about following and un-following. Don’t become too aggressive or your account will be suspended. Try to keep to a 1 to 1.5 ratio.
  8. Don’t be known as a spammer. If it is your intention to use Twitter to market to people it is recommended that you only have one marketing Tweet in every 10 Tweets. If all you do is try to sell people something, they will stop following you. Doing nothing but marketing tweets could get you labeled as a spammer, which could result in being banned. Remember Twitter is about being social first and marketing, if you do any marketing, second.
  9. If you are using Twitter to market then look into software to do your Twitter work for you. There is one free website that can really help you use Twitter with more efficiency, Hootsuite.com. This service will submit your Tweets to a variety of sites for you. You will also be able to schedule your tweets so you can take your time to set up a day’s worth or more of tweets.
  10. There are a number of paid software programs that will find targeted followers for you based on keyword or associations. It will manage the following and unfollowing of the people so you won’t have to go through hundreds and thousands of emails clicking on the follow link. You can schedule tweets and much more. Review a number of these programs, automate Twitter and save your time.

Get to know Twitter better by downloading a FREE Twitter Video Bill uses Twitter to build his online empire. Find Twitter Tools online in addition to the Video. This article courtesy of SiteProNews.com

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