Keyword Research Explained – The Keys To Online Success Of Any Business

By Jane M Dawson

Keyword research explained is an important part of learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. This is because it is keywords that you identify in the course of your research which are going to be found in your site or pay-per-click campaigns or promotion strategies. Keyword search is more like a customer search because you are basically looking for words your prospective customers are going to search for when they are looking for some product or service. So, pick out important and valid keywords from different sources and make these attractive enough for audiences to visit your site. You should try to think from the point of view of your clients and extract the most you can from such keywords and phrases.

Several online businesses are known to identify wrong keywords that have generated little or virtually no sales and have failed. Some businesses are confident they know the exact keywords customers are likely to use to reach out to them, but that is often not the case. More often than not, words used by customers are different than those website creators conjectured. Follow these guidelines to make sure your keyword research is conducive to your business’s online success:

• Pick out the primary keywords on the basis of which you can conduct a keyword research. These are typically those words most likely to be used by your clients and competitors when seeking a product you are selling. Ideally, such keywords should be synonyms and you will have to make use of several sources for getting these keywords.

• Make use of multiple sources so that your keywords have maximum coverage, like being able to identify at least one word that describes your product well, or getting in touch with your target audience to find any other words that they might associate with your products, or visiting competitor websites to look for keywords being used by them to promote similar services. Alternatively, make use of keyword research tools available in search engines like Word Tracker or Keyword Discovery. Google Keyword suggestion tools can provide you with keywords of use to your portal and those key phrases being typed in by real users. Word Tracker can provide you with lists of keywords and tell you how popular they are likely to be.

• Since there can be no such concept like an average customer, have content in your website that can cater to the diverse needs of different types of customers. Your customers often use various kinds of words and phrases combinations to look for something, and it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what words they are likely to type in to search for you.

• When you have found out the valid keywords, make a list of all possible combinations of these keywords that you can think of. Keep entering these words into online keyword suggestion devices to get the list of potential words.

• Only those words that can bring viewers to your site are important and spending unnecessary time or effort on other untargeted words is not desirable.

• Remember to pick out only those words that are relatively small-sized competitive keywords. When the portal is new, you may need to get three to five keyword phrases composed of non-competitive keywords. Yet, as the site grows older, you automatically learn which words are competitive.

• You must thereafter divide the keywords to denote topics for you to write on. This enables you to make a list of keyword phrases that are grouped according to certain common keywords.

• Add these keywords then to web page titles, page content and meta tags. It is advisable to create content-rich lesser number of pages which are qualitatively superior. These can draw the target audience to a single page, which comes up more frequently in search engine rankings. Moreover when the business is very competitive, then getting keywords characterized by low volume searches may actually churn out greater traffic until the time the site matures.

• Long-tailed keywords help to draw greater traffic to a web portal. These are usually composed of three or even more keywords like a small sentence and are usually more descriptive like what the buyer is likely to type to look for a product. When this matches with the buyer’s choice of words you can be sure to expect higher sales.

Have keywords that guide traffic to your website. This is why keyword research becomes so vital. Gone are the days when you could build a site and wait patiently for visitors to come by; now with the huge number of competitors in every industry leading to countless websites, this thinking has also changed.

When you can get your hands on those keywords that get between a few hundred to another few thousand searches every month, you know you can get a front-page listing on search engines. You could easily access some free keyword tools but these will not save you much time. In contrast, the tools that require charge are designed in a manner to locate keywords having good search potential. So why not use keyword tools to make your task simpler and faster?

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Article Source:—The-Keys-To-Online-Success-Of-Any-Business&id=5043030

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