10 Ways to Ensure Your E-newsletter Will Stand Out From the Crowd

10 Ways to Ensure Your E-newsletter Will Stand Out From the Crowd

Author: Kimberly Reddington

Seems like every company these days is getting in on the e-newsletter bandwagon. They are simple and inexpensive to send, can be created quickly and provide a means of getting at the top of your customer’s minds on a regular basis. Regardless of how many newsletters people receive, they will still read those that are offering them something of value and are entertaining. People will always want to learn and be entertained.

So, how do you ensure that your e-newsletter gets opened and read? Here are 10 things I think about each month when sending out my own newsletter:

1. Decide on a theme for each e-newsletter you send.

Everytime I send out an issue, I choose a special theme to discuss. Let’s say my theme is “Newsletter Basics”. I will supply personal information about my own newsletter. I will write an article about how my customers can improve their newsletter. I will recommend other products my customers can purchase to further educate them on, you got it, their newsletter!

2. Your title may be the most important sentence.

The title or subject line of your email newsletter is going to be the biggest draw, especially to newly subscribed readers who don’t know how great your newsletter is yet! The subject determines whether your reader will actually open the email or just delete, so it needs to be enticing.

3. Keep your theme and your content inline with your niche.

Your subscribers are on your email list for a reason. They are interested in your particular niche. You need to keep that focus, or you may start to lose some of your subscribers.

4. Remember the 80/20 rule.

80% of your content should be educating your reader about your topic. They should be learning something new. 20% of your content should be selling. Make sure you have a section that explains what you and your business is all about. Too much selling and you will lose readership. Too little selling and your business will suffer.

5. Keep your content educational and entertaining.

The best way to ensure subscribers open your newsletter and possibly even forward it to a friend is to make sure your readers are entertained. The newsletters I read faithfully are those that make me laugh while at the same time they are teaching me something useful that I can use in my own business or life.

6. Include a personal story.

People can learn all about your business by shopping at your store or visiting your website. Your newsletter is a way for your customers to get to know YOU. Always include something personal in your newsletter. It could be something you learned recently. It could be about your kids, or something you saw on the road driving to a meeting. Make your newsletter sound like you are talking to a friend. Friends buy from friends.

7. Keep content to around 400-700 words.

The computer can be a great means of information, but it is also hard to read long articles online. Keep your content short and focused. Keep your readers engaged, but keep it short. Your customers are just as busy as you are.

8. Include contact information and a privacy statement.

Including this information shows new readers that you are legitimate and that you have no intention of spamming them or selling their email address.

9. You MUST include a simple way to unsubscribe.

This is an absolute must! Any bulk emails sent without an unsubscribe link is considered spam and could get you banned. If you are using an email service such as Aweber or Constant Contact, then this feature is automatically added for you.

10. Include copyright information and allow readers to re-use your article.

When your article gets re-used by your readers, it helps to give your website and your name more exposure. This will only help you to grow your list of customers. Their readers will see your article. If they are interested, they may click to your website and either join your list or make a purchase. Make sure you are clear that anyone using your article needs to keep the article as-is and include your copyright info and a link to your website with the article.

These are methods that I learned from other successful professionals. The ideas work for them, and they are certainly working for me. If you keep to the basics and provide compelling writing mixed with personal stories, your newsletter will be a success.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/business-articles/10-ways-to-ensure-your-enewsletter-will-stand-out-from-the-crowd-763171.html

About the Author

Kimberly Reddington, founder of CereusWomen.com, teaches moms how to turn their skills and talents into a successful home-based service business and to find a balance between their business and their family. Discover Kim’s popular special report by visiting http://www.CereusWomen.com

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