Finding An Affiliate Item To Promote On Your Site

By Richard Eng Lim

Provided that you already have a website which caters to a particular niche, the next you have to think about is how to find an affiliate item that which you can promote on this website. An affiliate item is any product or service which you can display on your site or blog that visitors can see. With the affiliate link provided on your website, people may purchase or make transactions thus earning you a commission. But how does an Internet Marketer find an affiliate item?

Pay per Sale Affiliate Products

When looking for an affiliate item, you don’t have to look very far. Various products which you personally use or patronize may have affiliate programs. If you have a website, undoubtedly you are using web hosting; web hosting companies have affiliate programs. If you are satisfied with the services of your web hosting company, share it with others by promoting it and earn a few bucks. If you are using an Autoresponder, Aweber has an affiliate program, so as GetResponse. The software program that you use may also have affiliate programs, same goes to any membership sites which you belong to. If you are getting benefits from any websites, other people may also be interested to be just like you so why not promote it? At least, your commissions from this affiliate programs may cover your hosting, membership, or software expenses.

1. Go and talk to the Manufacturer – If you’re using a certain product, tendency is that the manufacturer of that product has an affiliate program. Take for instance a USB Flash Drive called Kooky Drive, if you Google it using the keywords “Kooky Drive Affiliate Program” you will be routed to their site where you can sign up and be one of their affiliates. Do this with other products you are interested, just type the products’ name and follow it with the word “Affiliate”.

2. Your Favorite Website might be the answer – If you frequently use a particular website or even purchase something from that website, check if they have an affiliate program.

3. Amazon Affiliate Program – One of the most popular affiliate programs for Internet Marketers is Amazon. Their affiliate program is very easy to join, and since they rarely turn down applications you can expect that after 2 or 3 days, Amazon is already an affiliate item on your website. They employ banners, widgets, buttons and you can even showcase Amazon videos or an Amazon store on your website.

4. eBay Partner Network – Yes, you can feature eBay auction items on your site and be paid for every sale. Only eBay has stricter requirements compared to Amazon and you can be turned down on your first application. What you can do is try again later on a different site and make tons of money with an eBay affiliate item.

5. ClickBank – ClickBank has a wide variety of products to choose from and this is the affiliate program that Internet Marketers start with. All you have to do is register and set up an account and you’re already an affiliate. No need to wait for authorization or approval, just sign up and that’s it! Their commissions range from 50% to 75% and their products include downloadable eBooks.

Mentioned above are the most popular choices for Pay per Sale Affiliate Programs available today. These sites offer good commission structure for their affiliates which can range from a few cents to a hundred bucks over a period of time. The only thing is that, before you can get these commissions, the visitor has to make an actual purchase after they clicked the affiliate link seen in your website. After clicking it, they will be routed to a sales page that will do the job in selling them the product. Your only participation is the link in your site that the visitors have seen.


Richard Lim is a specialist in online marketing and affiliate marketing.

He loves to share his knowledge and you can visit his site at

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1 thought on “Finding An Affiliate Item To Promote On Your Site”

  1. Great writeup, did not know Richard is writing at this site. Affiliate finding is a skill that requires more training and handling.

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