Website owners often have a real problem thanks to the burgeoning impact of Web 2.0 technologies. The issues is this: most people active online these days have several places which they can call “home”. They have a web site, a Facebook page, a Twitter page, not to mention Ecademy, Squidoo or dozens of other possible places.

So, where, exactly, do you send people? Should you send them to your main website or to your Facebook page? Or what about starting them off at Ecademy or your Squidoo people page? It’s all potentially confusing. Luckily there is a new service which helps solve this dilemma. Essentially, it sends your visitors to all your online establishments at the same time…!
Called “Unhub” the service means you can send all your web site visitors to all of your different web presence points at the same time. It achieves this by inserting a bar at the top of the screen which includes all your online residences, such as your web site, your blog, Ecademy, LinkedIn and so on. People can then click on the service of interest and go back and forth between them easily. If you go to my Unhub page at you will get an idea of what I mean.
Your Unhub page could be a useful link in places like your Twitter profile, or the main pages you list in your social networking sites. In this way people who engage with your material via one service can quickly and easily see what else you have to offer in others. Even if you don’t want to use Unhub at the moment, I’d suggest getting your account with them so you can register your name with them. That way you’ll avoid any “cybersquatting” that could take potential business away from you.
The video below shows how Unhub works.
UnHub Demo from Vinicius Vacanti on Vimeo.