How to retweet


How to retweet is a common subject people ask me about. On Twitter there is no obvious guide to the whole notion of retweeting or “rt” as some people call it. So here is a handy guide to help you retweet the messages you like – and gain extra traffic for your own Twitter account by doing so.


How to retweet – Step One
When you see a tweet you like, and you think your followers would like to know about, simply select all of the text by dragging your cursor across the message. Make sure you include the Twitterer’s name in the selection. Then choose “copy” either using the browser menu, or by hitting CTRL-C or by clicking the right mouse button and choosing copy from the pop-up menu that appears.

How to retweet – Step Two
Insert your cursor into the Tweet box at the top of your Twitter home page and paste in the material you have just copied.

How to retweet – Step Three
Put your cursor at the start of the text you have just pasted in and type the word “Retweet” or “Retweeting” or “RT”.

How to retweet – Step Four
Place your cursor at the start of the name of the original Twitterer and type the @ symbol.

How to retweet – Step Five
Click on the Update button.

That’s it – you have just retweeted.

How to retweet – The Easy Way…!
Although the five steps above are relatively straightforward, there is a much easier way. Get Twhirl, a desktop Twitter program. When you see a tweet you want to retweet, simply click on the picture of the person who you want to retweet and choose the retweet icon which appears. You then click on that and all the necessary copy and paste is done automatically for you.

Bonus tip – How to get your own tweets retweeted
You stand a much greater chance of getting your own tweets retweeted if you allow enough space for people to include the words “retweet” and the “@” symbol. To do that, make sure your own tweets are never more than 130 characters long. This allows enough space. If you can keep your tweets down even more, to say 100 characters, you allow enough space for four more people to retweet each retweet.

More information on Twitter
For more information on all aspects of using Twitter to your advantage, take a look at The Twitter Treasure Chest – packed with hints and tips like the ones on this page.

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