Don’t make people want your internet marketing products

Internet marketers want to sell their products now – not later. When someone lands on your sales page you want them to buy straight away. You don’t want them to think about it, go away and then never return to your site. New research from The University of Illinois reveals what you need to do to make sure that people buy now, not later.

Desirable products don't get bought quickly

Desirable products don’t get bought quickly

According to the study, people buy straight away if the product they are looking at is “feasible”. In other words, will the product answer an immediate problem and does it do so easily, at the right price and quickly. If a product is “desirable” then this is something that people tend to look at for future purchasing decisions.

In other words, if you make your online products desirable you have a lower chance of people buying them. Strange as it may seem, buying decisions are more about practicalities than they are about how wonderful your product is. Even if you have a dream car you might be saving up for, when your dream begins you assess all the desirable features of the vehicle. But when you’ve got the cash in hand, your buying decisions become based around the practicalities and feasibility. When we are in buying mode, we think differently to when we are in “maybe buying” mode.

Given that you want to maximise the sales on your web site, the features and benefits you should emphasise are those that appeal to the feasibility decisions. How easy is your product to use? Is it a good price? Can it be used quickly? These things will appeal to the “buying now” mode of thinking.

Emphasising the quality of your product will not help you make immediate sales. So, don’t strive to produce brilliant, desirable products. Instead focus on the practicalities and you will increase your sales. After all, the Apple iPhone may be desirable, but the plain and practical Nokia still outsells it.

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