How to write posts that get noticed

Writing posts be it for your own website or for someone else can transform your marketing efforts over night. A great post has the potential to drive huge amounts of web traffic to your website and turn you into an authority figure. If you’re anything like me, you write for the sake of helping others, sharing your knowledge and as a mean to achieve your personal and business goals. Here are 7 tips which will help ensure your post gets noticed.

1. Offer Value – Readers reading your post assume you’ll know more than they do on the topic. Write about subjects which your knowledge can help others and avoid writing about subjects which you know little about. A great tip for ensuring you offer value is to quote another post either from your website or someone else and improve on that post.

2. Stay On-Topic – Readers found your post and took the time to read it because they found the topic of interest. It’s very easy to divert from the main topic and miss its focus. Posts which are all over the place will appeal to less readers, thereby lowering its chances of getting noticed. A great tip for ensuring you keep on topic is to format your post as a list, for example top 7 or to 10.

3. Keep It Precise – One of the keys to get noticed is to avoid going around the bush and keep the post precise. When it comes to great content, size does not matter and often the best posts are the short ones.

4. Express Your Opinion – Don’t shy away from letting readers know your stand on the topic. Posts are not written by computers, they are written by you and I. By expressing your opinion and using your own tone of voice more readers will be able to relate to your words and if they like what you have to say, it will help get the post noticed.

5. Use Correct Spelling – If you’re looking to wow readers with your knowledge it’s a good idea to also get the spelling right. There’s no excuse everyone has a spell checker.

6. Ask For Comments – A great post is often that with many comments, views and opinions of others. Some readers and in particular those who are new to your website or blog might hesitate from leaving comments. Make it a practice to end each post with a message asking readers for feedback.

7. Encourage Sharing – Paying attention to this tip is absolutely essential to ensure your post gets noticed. Sometimes to get your post shared, it needs a nudge in the right direction. There are a number of web tools which could help readers easily share the post. Here are some choices:

A. Social Marker – Social Marker is a service designed to aid in the process of submitting websites and web pages to social bookmarking and social news sites.
B. Add This – AddThis helps website publishers and bloggers spread their content across the web by making it easy for visitors to bookmark and share content to their favorite social destinations.
3. Share This – Very similar to AddThis, ShareThis makes it easy to share ideas and get to the good stuff online.

What are your tips to get your post noticed?

Guest post by Nikki, CV Writer and founder of My CV and Me. Nikki offers complete job search solution to candidates from CV writing to job interview coaching.

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