What is an Internet Psychologist?

I am a psychologist who specialises in understanding how people behave in the online world. Some people call me a cyberpsychologist. I look at the way people use the Internet, what makes them “tick” online and how they cope with the various technologies.

The information I provide helps business owners and executives ensure that they provide online material which really engages customers and potential customers.

For instance, most people who visit a web site will stay for less than one second. In that moment in time they instantly recognise your site is not for them. Why? What does your web site do wrong and how can you rectify the situation so that visitors truly engage with your site – and therefore give you the chance to increase your profits.

That’s one aspect of Internet Psychology or cyberpsychology. But there are others. How, for instance, do you ensure your staff do not spend hours on social networking sites even when you need them to do it? How do you stop people abusing your email systems? These are all psychologically based problems that I can help you solve.

I can help you by acting as a consultant, advisor, or mentor. I can provide workshops for your staff on all aspects of making your online business a success. And I can speak at your company events and conferences to provide the latest, leading-edge thinking there is about the Internet and its place in our world.

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