Year: 2008


Web 2.0 flurry appears to be slowing down

Researchers at McKinsey, the business analysts, have discovered that the initial enthusiasm there was for “Web 2.0” is now waning. In fact, far fewer businesses have taken up things like blogging and social networking than was predicted. As you can see from McKinsey’s own graph (above) on average only around

Check your email – quick – another one might be in….!

How often do you check your email? When you install email software, such as Microsoft Outlook, it is set up to automatically check for new messages every 10 minutes. Few people change the default settings, so most people get used to emails popping into their inbox regularly throughout the day.

Online video isn’t long enough

A couple of years back, there was much talk about the increased use of online video, thanks to the launch of YouTube. Then along came video on the iPod and the BBC launched its iPlayer. The online video revolution, we were told, was upon us; soon, we were “reliably” informed

Is the Internet your best friend?

Before the Internet came along there were two main ways of finding suitable suppliers for things we wanted to buy. If we knew we wanted something but didn’t know who to get it from, the first thing we used to do was ask a friend or colleague. And if they

Contrbuted to US magazine

Helped US journalist with story on email overload – particularly about bosses who email their staff late at night..!


Has Google met its match?

Today sees the launch of a brand new search engine, Cuil – and it’s an important development in the world of search. For a start it has been developed by a former Google engineers, plus it has a unique way of delivering results. As you can see from the screen

Should you worry if your online social group isn’t very active?

Social networkers who form groups, clubs and the like, often worry that they are not getting enough participation. They point to the fact that even though many people may have registered, few take part. Indeed, there are social networking clubs and forums dedicated to helping club owners increase their participant

Expose your knol for even more publicity for your online business

Exposing your knowledge online is a principal way of doing business these days. The reason is that potential customers want to see what you are about; they want to experience you. In the past, they had to arrange a meeting with you – then you had to follow-up and it

Eggs, baskets, SEO and Internet marketing

Internet marketers sometimes astound me. They seem to think the world starts and ends with Google. Everything they talk about is how to get to Number One on Google, or how to maximise your pay per click listings in Google AdWords, or the latest “buzz” on Page Rank. This is

Business leaders fail to understand social web

More evidence has been published which shows that big business has failed to grasp the value of the social web. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts discovered that the social web has not caught on in the big corporates. Technologies such as blogging appear to have passed them by. The

Web Designer Magazine

I’ve been asked to write an article on the psychology of web site navigation for Web Designer Magazine.


Facebook’s legal action could discourage web users

Facebook is seeking a jury trial in the USA to get a German web site shut down. Shall I repeat that? It does sound stupid doesn’t it, but as various news services have reported, Facebook is taking the German site StudiVZ to court. In essence, StudiVZ is a German social

Does your web site need to be perfect?

Many web sites never get off the ground; the people setting them up often don’t want to go-ahead and publish because the site isn’t “quite ready”. Indeed, I met a chap a few months ago whose site was still “under construction” after two years of “development” and he was “almost

5 reasons why you need to read ProBlogger

There are few occasions when you buy a book and then read it from cover to cover in one sitting. But that’s just what’s happened to me..! Yesterday, I bought “ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income“. It’s written by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett – two

Products make you more believable online

People love to see evidence that something or someone is what they claim to be. It’s all very well having a web site that points out you are the most brilliant expert in your field, but without any evidence your web site visitors will not believe you. One way, of