Year: 2008


Don’t call your blog a blog….!

Blogging is little more than what we have all done for years down the pub – chatting to people. A blog allows you to hold conversation with your readers and chat away, just like the “real world”. For businesses this can be a bonus; it can help spread “word of

Here we go again – another Government Internet blunder

Let’s get this straight – sexual offences are abhorrent; I am in no way a defender of people who have committed sex crimes. As a psychologist, though, I’m aware that many of them are victims themselves, having been abused as children. But the Government rightly wants to clamp down on

Social networks attract children not adults

Children are signing up to social networks in their thousands. According to a significant research study by Ofcom half of children over the age of eight have a social networking account and profile. This is in spite of the fact that the networks themselves set an age limit of 13.

Are you a morning or an afternoon Internet marketer?

Internet businesses have been hampered lately by the cutting of undersea cables connecting the telecomms networks of various countries. Only last week, cables close to the Egyptian coastline were cut, probably by ships anchors. The problem is increasing – plus some of the longer established cables, such as those crossing

At long last the Internet is just like the real world

Men have dominated the Internet for several years. Much of the initial technology was developed by men, many of the initial Internet pioneers were men and most of the users were men for several years. Now, though, a new study shows us that this year women will outnumber men online.

Teenagers online really do think differently to the rest of us

When you were in your teens did you ever argue with your mum and dad? Did you ever believe you knew everything? Did you ever do things that you now wouldn’t attempt? Probably. The teenage turmoil is all down to the fact that as we develop into young adults we

Truetube channel to interview me

Off to an Internet Cafe today as the backdrop for my interview on “online friendship” for the TV Channel “Truetube”

What a load of Ed Balls

Ed Balls, the Secretary of State for Education in the UK, wants “cyberbullying” of teachers to be a disciplinary offence. Apparently, school pupils sometimes ridicule their teachers in online chat rooms and on social networking sites. Well knock me down with a feather, there’s a shock. Look, Mr Balls, children

On BBC News 24 this weekend

I’m on BBC News 24 throughout this weekend in their programme “Click“. The program is about the “cashless society” and I explain that we will never give up cash.


How about a “YouTube” for printed documents?

YouTube has undoubtedly been a success. So too has iTunes. But they both only deal with video and audio. Human beings, however, use printed materials in vast amounts – perhaps more than video and audio. So wouldn’t it be fantastic if there were an equivalent of YouTube but for printed

Financial meltdown won’t hit the Internet

The current financial meltdown happening on Wall Street and in the City of London is not going to affect the Internet, according to some recent research. This study suggests that far from investing less money online, businesses will spend more online in the coming year or two. That bodes well

Corporate social networks can dramatically improve your business

Social networking is still seen as something teenagers do. But it is actually a natural human activity merely taken a technological twist. We are social animals by our very nature, so anything that allows us to socialise online is bound to be successful. And that theory is now being put

Online advertisers fail to understand people

Advertising gurus are great aren’t they? They are seen as leaders in “the creative industry”; they pat themselves on the back with lavish award ceremonies to celebrate their “stunning” advertising creations; and they mix with the stars who feature in their ads, making us all jealous that they have friends

Psychologists prove Google is almost human

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have been pitting the wits of Google against human volunteers. Their study looked at the PageRank of words searched for on Google and compared them with a list of words produced by volunteers. The research, published in Psychological Science, confirms my view that

The Budget News doesn’t make good reading

Alistair Darling’s first budget didn’t make good reading for anyone who drinks, smokes, drives cars or goes shopping. If you’re a 90-year-old clean-living, self-sufficient hermit, though, you’ll be OK as you’re getting a heating handout. Year in, year out Chancellors produce budgets that we all moan about. And every year

Morning Advertiser to feature me…!

Pub landlords will wake up to my comments soon…! Just had a lovely interview with their trade magazine, The Morning Advertiser, all about the benefits social networking can bring to the pub trade.

Spent the morning at BBC TV Centre

I spent this morning at the BBC TV Centre being interviewed for the programme “Click!”, which is the technology show that goes out at the weekends on News 24. It will be broadcast on 22nd and 23rd March and it’s all about the cashless society.