How about a “YouTube” for printed documents?

YouTube has undoubtedly been a success. So too has iTunes. But they both only deal with video and audio. Human beings, however, use printed materials in vast amounts – perhaps more than video and audio. So wouldn’t it be fantastic if there were an equivalent of YouTube but for printed documents?

Well guess what – there is! It is called “Issuu” and as you can see from the picture below I’ve started to use it to upload my documents.

How about a "YouTube" for printed documents? 1How about a "YouTube" for printed documents? 2How about a "YouTube" for printed documents? 3

You’ll see that you can flip over the pages to read them online, with a handy magnifier. Or you can press the print button to have a paper copy. And, if you like, you can email yourself or a friend a copy.

Even better, Issuu has social networking capabilities so you can notify your friends and contacts about your latest publications. People can even subscribe to an RSS feed of your publications – ideal for newsletters and other regular publications.

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