And you thought everyone did business online

You are a special kind of person. No, I’m not just being nice to you, though I don’t want to be nasty. Actually, the fact that you are reading this article about Internet business means you are interested in the whole notion of online business activities. Well guess what, new research suggests most business are not anywhere near as advanced as you.

The study was looking at online security, but within the research from the Federation of Small Businesses is an interesting fact. Less than one in five small business can conduct business online. The vast majority of small businesses have no way of accepting any kind of payments via the Internet. What? Have they been asleep for the past 15 years? Obviously.

Not only that, but only 1% of businesses get all their sales via the Internet. This is remarkable considering the potential of the Internet for business. British business, especially, has yet to enter the 21st Century it seems.

Security it appears is the issue. Business people are worried about online fraud. However, the fear of online crime is three times higher than the actual rate of Internet crime. So, stop worrying and get cracking. Those 1% of businesses know what to do and they are doing it well. They will grow on their success and eat into the marketplace for other, more reticent businesses. And guess what that means? It suggests that the people who are scared of doing business online will eventually be forced out of business by their own irrational fears.

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