Get more shoppers by targeting women

Women do the bulk of shopping. Study after study reveals that, in general, men dislike shopping. Even when men go shopping for things they say they like, such as cars, research shows that in most cases the purchasing decision is actually made by a woman.

Many web sites that offer products for sale appear to be male dominated. In the past, online shopping was dominated by men buying computer and technology related products. Things are changing now – and research by Interactive Media Retail Group suggests that there are already significant changes taking place.

The highest proportion of people online now in the UK is women aged between 18 and 34. As the number of women online has grown, so too has Internet shopping. Indeed, IMRG predicts that within the next 18 months it will account for 20% of all retail in the UK.

Considering this growth in online shopping is partly fuelled by increasing numbers of women on the Internet and the fact that many purchasing decisions are taken by women, isn’t it about time Internet retailers started making their web sites more women-friendly? This doesn’t mean stereotyping or patronising in any way. What it means is making your web pages and shopping experience more appealing to women. Do that and you could see your sales rise.

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