Make the most of online opportunities

The interview in the video is taken from a programmme I did for Thames Valley Pod TV’s business channel. Run by Neil Fairbrother, this is in innovative online TV service that provides a whole host of useful and informative programmes at the same time as giving guests an opportunity to gain some useful exposure. By taking part in a programme, you receive extra online presence all for the want of an hour or so to make the show. Plus, people like the TV format – and it can be shared on YouTube, giving you even more exposure.

However, I meet plenty of people who could take part in programmes like this yet who don’t take the opportunity. How many people do you know who have on their list of “to do” items, things like “starting a blog”, “writing a white paper”, “adding online video to my web site”? Plenty of people have good intentions to boost their online presence and Internet marketing – yet few people take action.

One significant difference between people who succeed online and those who don’t is the fact that the successful companies are those who take action. Instead of “waiting until they have time” or “making it all perfect”, they just get on with it. True, my interview with Neil may not be the best piece of TV you have ever witnessed – but it’s there and it’s being watched.

Equally I discovered this morning that I am the “number one” contributor to Marcom Professional, a new social networking site for people in the marketing communications industry. How did I achieve that? Simply by setting up the account; it took me all of ten minutes of my time and by using the “import blog” setting I was able to contribute almost 400 entries, putting me way ahead of the other 200 people who signed up to the site in its first few days. True, I’ve not explored the full depth of the site yet, but being the “number one” contributor (for just ten minutes of work) means that I will be noticed.

Now, I’m not saying all this to boast or impress you – but hey, don’t let me stop you being impressed if you want to be. Instead, I’m trying to point out that I’m, getting more pages listed with information about me, videos of me and increased attention for the kind of work I do, simply by doing things. An hour of my time for a popular video, ten minutes of time to be “number one” – it doesn’t take a great deal of effort to take up online opportunities. So, if you have half an hour to spare today – what will you do to enhance your online presence? There is certainly something you can do with just 30 minutes.

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