Just what kind of people really use the internet?

Wherever you look for information on marketing your business online you’ll find advice suggesting that you should target a specific sector. One report out this week shows that it is women you should be aiming at. Another study points you towards so-called “silver surfers”. Yet another report suggests it’s teenagers that are important. You could be forgiven for getting confused.

Well guess what – they are all right. The people online are the same as the people offline. In other words, the online world is not a lot different to the “real” world. What that means is you should decide on your market rather than trying to shape your business to meet some mythical online marketplace. You will find “gurus” suggesting you should find the online market and then shape your products and services to them. However, whatever your product or service there is a market online for you. All of human life is here…!

So, concentrate on producing quality products and services, then use programs like WordTracker to find the keywords that people use to search for products like the ones you are proposing. There will be a market online, if there is a similar market offline. So don’t worry about the varying reports suggesting you should go for a specific sector as they are the most important ones online. All of human life is here – so just concentrate on producing quality products and services – that’s what all people in all market sectors really want.

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