Top bloggers avoid the detail

Marketing expert Nigel Temple asked recently on the business networking site Ecademy when was the best time to write a blog entry. Is it at the weekend, on a Monday morning, or just when the muse strikes you?

The answer to this is – don’t worry about it…! Just keep blogging away, adding to your material as frequently as you can. You never know when your readers will come along to your site; some may visit every day as part of their routine, others may pop along when they get a spare moment, some will leave all their blog reading until the weekend. There is no magic answer.

Yesterday I was chatting with a friend who was concerned about another aspect of blogging – how much to write? “What is the perfect length of a blog entry?” he asked. Again, there is no right or wrong answer.

Both these examples show how easy it is to focus on the details, rather than look at the bigger picture. We all do it – when should we blog, how much, how often, which blogging platform. self-hosted or not, links, adverts…..aaagh! The list goes on and on – and I’m just as guilty of looking at the minute details as anyone.

But leading bloggers just get on with it. They write blog entries frequently and focus on providing their readers with exactly what they want on a regular basis. Take, for instance, Darren Rowse’s Problogger blog. He just churns out stuff all of which is relevant to people wanting to make money from blogging. Instead of getting wrapped up in issues over how much to write, or when to write it, he just writes.

So to get the best out of your blog and connect more with your audience, just keep writing your material and posting it to your blog.

I’ve written an eight page report on Blogging for Business which contains some more advice on blogging. You can download it free of charge (no sign up needed…!)

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