You will have read a few times in this web site that user-generated content, in my view, is an essential component of a good web site. (You can add your comments below if you disagree..!) However, it’s not just me bleating on about this. Every year, Time Magazine announces its “Person of the Year” and for 2006 it’s person of the year “you”. Time Magazine has awarded it’s coveted prize to us, the people who contribute to web sites. The magazine believes that user-generated content is so vital to the global success of the Internet that the award this year has gone to the very people who write the web pages – you. Well done. However, the story has particular importance for people trying to run their business online; it shows how vital it is to engage your audience and get them involved in your web site.
The rush for online TV is doomed to short term failure
In the past few days we’ve seen several announcements about online TV and movies. Amazon have launched a service to deliver films and TV programs online. Yesterday saw upgrades to the iPod to allow movies