All the media coverage would have us think that MySpace is the place where teenagers and those in their early 20s hang out. But demographic data from MySpace shows us that this is far from the truth. Indeed less than a third of the users of MySpace are aged under 24. The biggest age group, with almost 30% of MySpace usage are the 35–49s. What this shows us from an Internet marketing perspective is not to believe all that you read in the press. Instead, use actual data to guide you through the Internet marketing maze. If you want to target people in their 40s you may well miss out MySpace users. But with the demographic data in your hand, you would focus on MySpace. To help your online marketing campaigns, always use reliable data rather than guesswork.
Internet retailers need more accessible sites
A report out today suggests that online retailers are losing millions of pounds each year because their sites are not accessible enough. What that means is that people with disabilities, such as sight problems, or