Like it or not, your business will have to change. That’s because human behaviour changes from time to time, even though the fundamentals remain the same. In a new report out today on TV watching habits, there’s an interesting nugget in the details. It seems that 28% of teenagers watch TV online – and most of what they watch is news. But why they watch online, rather than on a TV set is interesting. They prefer using the computer than a TV set. One of the reasons behind that is the fact they can skip the ads. As these teens grow up, TV companies will have to provide more of their output via the Web – and they’ll have to discover new revenue streams other than advertising. They may not want to, but their audiences will dictate that happens.
Internet retailers need more accessible sites
A report out today suggests that online retailers are losing millions of pounds each year because their sites are not accessible enough. What that means is that people with disabilities, such as sight problems, or