There is a great deal of advice on the Internet about how to make money from your blog. Much of it is over hyped nonsense about how you can become a millionaire overnight without having to write anything, just chucking tons of text produced by other people onto a page. Apparently do this and you’ll be rich…! That’s a bit like saying I’ll give you a box load of unrelated physical products and if you stand on a street corner you’ll sell the lot and become rich. Nonsense. However, you can make money from blogging – I do. But I don’t promise to make you an overnight millionaire – but I do promise to help you make a business from blogging. You can find out how to do that on my workshop on blogging, taking place this October.
Is Six Apart blogging company ready to sell?
Today’s UK Sunday Times newspaper reports that Mena Trott, the co-owner of Six Apart (who produce TypePad and Movable Type) would be prepared to sell the company for less than $1bn. She also reveals that