There is a great deal of advice on the Internet about how to make money from your blog. Much of it is over hyped nonsense about how you can become a millionaire overnight without having to write anything, just chucking tons of text produced by other people onto a page. Apparently do this and you’ll be rich…! That’s a bit like saying I’ll give you a box load of unrelated physical products and if you stand on a street corner you’ll sell the lot and become rich. Nonsense. However, you can make money from blogging – I do. But I don’t promise to make you an overnight millionaire – but I do promise to help you make a business from blogging. You can find out how to do that on my workshop on blogging, taking place this October.
Online Business :: Be like a circus performer
Yesterday I went to the circus with my son, Elliot. It was the famous “Billy Smart’s Circus” – the one I remember from my own childhood. Elliot sat transfixed, mouth open wide, as the first