Blogging is perfect for teenagers. At a time in their life when they are trying to finalise their sense of self and establish their individual identity, blogging provides an outlet that does just that. It was interesting to read in Time magazine that teenagers think the same as well. Sixteen-year-old Janelle Normanis said, “Being a teenager today is a lot different than in the past, so parents rarely identify with things that happen in our lives. For the most part, only teenagers understand the issues teens deal with. That’s one of the reasons why blogging is so popular; it gives us an outlet to express ourselves freely and openly with people our age who can relate to us.”
Jeremy Jacobs proves you can blog easily
Just a couple of months back, the presenter and public speaker Jeremy Jacobs didn’t have a blog. Now, he has a vibrant, well designed, readable and interesting blog that is clearly attracting readers. In the