The international Blog Business Summit has just finished in Seattle and provided some thought provoking ideas. What’s clear from the summit is how much the blog business world is focused on itself, rather than it’s readers and customers. For instance, one of the speakers claimed your blog was useless unless it was listed in Technorati’s Top 100 blogs. But as I said in a comment to a blog reporting that speech, being in the Technorati Top 100 is useless. What’s more important for your blog is that your target readers visit it and subscribe. So focus your efforts on reaching your readers and your target market, rather than wasting your time striving to be in some popularity list. You’ll find that Jeremy Pepper agrees with me.
Blogging survey shows significant problem for corporates
A new survey of blogging reveals that many large businesses see the value of blogging, but are not really doing anything about it. The study of 450 companies found that even though most of them