About Graham Jones
As a web psychologist I focus on how people behave online – in particular how your customers use the internet. As a result, I can help you understand their behaviour so that you can engage with them better and make more money. I help you do this with consultancy, seminars, workshops, webinars, mastermind groups, masterclasses and through the various books I have written. Indeed, I am an award-winning writer having written 29 books since I started my own business back in 1984.
I am a qualified psychologist and a member of the British Psychological Society and the Society of Authors.
I am a Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association and I was President for 2010-11.
I am a regular commentator and interviewee for many media outlets. You may hear me interviewed on the radio, or see me on TV or read my quotes in newspapers and magazines. My media section lists my latest appearances.
To find out some things you might not know about me check out this “12 facts” page…!
You can also check out my Wikipedia entry.